12th April 2022 - Patch 1.13.0
Happy Easter Geniuses!
Rather than eggs we've been hunting bugs in the leadup to the bank holiday, and we're happy to report that we've cracked a few that have been lurking.
With a focus on navigation we've continued to make improvements to minion pathing, so we should see fewer members of our dedicated workforce getting stuck at the helipad and having to pay the ultimate price for their slacking. With a little community assistance we also identified and fixed an extremely rare issue that caused minions to become completely invincible lair destroying monsters, so that's good!
In addition to that we've made a number of smaller fixes and general stability improvements to keep your sinister machinations running smoothly.
Thank you all for your continued support,
Stay Evil.
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
Platform Specific Fixes
- Windows Store/Xbox App - Signing out of the "Xbox App" no longer causes the game to crash.
- Minions will no longer become immortal under specific circumstances
- Island will no longer be visible on transition to Island view from World Map
- Navigation Fixes
- Weapon dispensers should now correctly auto-reconstruct
- Load game button remains visible if all cloud save data is deleted
- Animation improvements
- Security Zone gamepad input prompt will no longer overlap other prompts.
- Characters should no longer become stuck in a loop of falling into a shark trap when blocked in by attackers
- Turret "Out-of-Ammo" backplate now displays correctly
- Minions will now correctly re-load turrets
- Research now correctly calculates money required and time remaining when difficulty is changed mid-game
- Minions should no longer become stuck by stat changes while departing to World Map
- Brainwashed minions can now be re-captured.
- Tier 1 Mining research now unlocked by default in Sandbox mode
- Tourists in Benchmark mode now correctly sit on sofas
Super Agents/Henchmen
- Henchman recruitment warning added to Super Agent Recruitment objectives in Sandbox
- Henchmen no longer become unresponsive if interrupted during placement of a trap
- Agent X "Noir" ability visuals adjusted
- Henchman ability stability improvements
Oceans Campaign Pack
- Geniuses and Henchmen can now access the dock area of Icicle Point
- Minions can now correctly access Floor 3 of Icicle point using stairs.
- Ice statues can now be placed in the "Workshop" and "Portal Chamber"
- Fixes for ice statue textures
- Temperature balancing
- Engineering Projects can now be cancelled after being suspended
- Nautilus and Atlantis Rogues Gallery unlock fixes
- Polar no longer becomes bald when frozen by a trap
- Tutorial markers added to "Troublemaker" minions in Polars campaign
- Button added to minion manager to allow Engineering specialisation
10th March 2022 - Patch 1.12.0
You did it, showed those Super Agents who's really the boss and now you can recruit them into your own evil organisation, congratulations!
With this update we have added Side Stories for recruiting Atomic Olga, Symmetry, Agent X and Wrecking Bola as Henchmen. You'll encounter each Super Agent as usual as you progress towards World Domination in a Campaign game, but after you've defeated them once and for all, recruitment side stories will become available, allowing them to cheat death and join your side. Alternatively, dive into Sandbox mode and start playing with them right away! This content does not require any DLC download or enabling, its now available by default as part of the base game.
The addition of the Temperature System in the Oceans DLC pack was always intended to introduce new construction challenges, and additional considerations when building your evil Lair, but it has done so a touch more aggressively than some of you would like. We've made some changes here to make Comfortable temperatures and aesthetically pleasing Lair layouts easier to achieve, and will continue to monitor this over the coming weeks.
We have of course continued to listen to feedback we receive through our wonderful community team, and so you can also expect the usual list of bug fixes and QoL improvements in addition to your rewards for successfully completing the community challenge.
Stay evil!
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
New Content
- Side Stories for the recruitment of Super Agents Wrecking Bola, Symmetry, Agent X and Atomic Olga
Fixes and Improvements
Platform Specific Fixes
- PS5 - Fixed issue with audio dropout.
- PS5 - Doomsday devices should now cause pad vibration.
- PS4 - Gamepad no longer becomes unresponsive on switching profile.
- WinStore - Game will no longer crash on close if the user is signed out.
- Doors destroyed by Wrecking Bola will now be re-constructed automatically when set to do so.
- Removed duplicate items from Sandbox build menu.
- Improvements to Muscle minion rigging.
- Muscle minions legs no longer float while using "Super Serum Machine".
- Clara Jones now correctly sits at Red Ivans conference table.
- Prevented stair construction configuration leading to invalid build state.
- Gamepad can no longer navigate to invalid minion type in minion manager.
- Improvement to the way minion training and priorities interact.
- Furniture selection markers now appear on Incinerators when selected via minion side panel.
- Casino fountain damage states now more consistent.
- Launcher graphics settings now consistent with in-game options.
- Collision updated on V.O.I.D. Stage 3.
- Updated overhead icon priorities.
- Added reset camera key.
- Scientist minions should leave computer consoles earlier when power is switched off.
- Intro cutscene timing updates.
- Adjustment to job priority of Incinerator vs. Abomination Creation Station.
- Freeze Ray VFX should trigger correctly on interaction with other traps.
- Reduced delay before Super Agents respawn after being defeated.
- Combat furniture vision cone updates.
- Updated stats for "Improved Radio Repeater".
- Lighting/Shadow improvements.
- Text Updates
- Minor UI Updates
- Animation clipping updates.
- Island object clipping updates
Oceans Campaign Pack
- Comfortable Temperature level thresholds have been relaxed, and negative temperature thresholds have been increased.
- Extreme Temperatures now have a reduced impact on Lair Item Durability.
- Permanent Temperature changes during Polar's Campaign have been reduced.
- The positive effects of the Comfortable Trait have been increased.
- The Air Con Unit and Space Heater have had their emission range increased.
- Temperature furniture adjustments.
- Temperature traits no longer prevent minion capture.
- Brought Polars "Inner Sanctum Door" stats in line with others.
- Oceans content in rogues gallery now displays correctly.
- Arctic Casino Doors no longer switch to normal Casino Doors after they open.
- Engineers now correctly receive "Well Fed" buff from Sushi Bar.
- Hubbard Slice now correctly affects Oceans loot items.
- Industrial Air Conditioner now correctly unlocked in Sandbox Mode.
- Prevented Oceans side stories persisting beyond the "point of no return".
- Gordian Naut engineering project now correctly lists "Unlocks".
- Deep Six objectives now correctly list "Unlocks".
- Improved collision for selecting Oceans regions on the World Map
- Credits now play correctly on completing the oceans campaign.
- Deep Six objective markers now rotate correctly on the World Map.
- Engineers no longer become misaligned with "Workbench"/"Advanced Workbench" during use.
- Improvements to Agent speedboat arrival animation.
- Characters should no longer float into the air inside the Oceans island helipad lift.
- Minor Arctic Island updates
21st February 2022 - Hotfix 1.11.2
- Fixed an issue preventing access to Engineering/Crafting menu in Sandbox mode.
- Fixed an issue that prevented heat reduction schemes from functioning in oceans regions.
- Fixed an issue where heat would no longer generate on ocean regions.
- Fixed an issue where ad banners would not appear on the main menu.
- Fixed an issue where objective images appeared low resolution.
8th February 2022 - Patch 1.11.0
Despite still being in the grips of the winter season, it's quite mild out... With the release of the Oceans Campaign Pack, our latest Evil Genius is scheming to correct that once and for all! Now available to Season Pass holders as well as for purchase separately, global warming won't know what hit it.
In addition to developing this frosty new content, the team here has continued to fix community-reported bugs, with just enough time to add a couple of features that have been requested by you along the way.
Most notably we've added a function to the furniture side menu that allows you to identify items of furniture that you would like your minions to automatically re-build should it, for any reason, be destroyed. No more worrying about power supply interruptions from Blue Saint and his destructive tendencies, or having to follow Wrecking Bola around after she has smashed her way through all of your precious doors.
We've also spent some time improving messaging for Trap cooldowns and blockages, so it should be easier for you all to tell at a glance how your Trap networks are functioning. Finally we also added a button to quickly swap between placed Portals, almost as if you were using them yourself.
With the Season Pass now complete, we'll be continuing a tail of support, and may even have a surprise or two left that our Community Team will be eager to share information about very soon. Thank you for playing and for continuing to support Evil Genius 2: World Domination.
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
New Additions
- Addition of an overhead indicator for blocked Traps.
- Addition of an indicator for time until Trap is ready to use again.
- Addition of a button in the side panel to automatically reconstruct destroyed furniture.
- Addition of a button to jump between constructed Portals.
Fixes and Improvements
- Further improvements to Lair navigation and minion job prioritisation.
- Including navigation through Portals
- Including Cruise Ship navigation into and away from the Lair.
- Abominations will no longer attempt to escort Agents tagged for distract.
- Abominations and Mechanical Minions are no longer affected by Emma's Doomsday Device Backfire effect.
- Mechanical Minions will no longer be affected by negative gas/thermal status effects.
- "Tox Populi" subtask will now correctly count construction of "Paywall" as a Trap.
- Improvements to menu navigation when using gamepad.
- Live feedback added to options menu settings.
- Fixes for overlapping and missing icons in menus.
- Improvements to Stats page displays.
- Scrolling in the objectives menu will no longer loop around the visible entries only.
- Save/Load menu will now correctly message the maximum number of supported save files.
- VFX applied to certain furniture will no longer stretch or become misaligned when the furniture is moved while in use.
- Minions/Agents will no longer become stuck when attempting to enter melee combat on stairs.
- Improved messaging for brainwashing failing while at maximum Lair occupancy.
- Improved messaging for unconnected stairs.
- Robot minions can now be healed by Magnolia Mings "Cure" ability.
- Game .exe icon updated.
- Improvements to messaging the positive effect of the "Communications Array" item.
- Fire VFX now correctly aligned on Red Ivan's Doomsday Device on all islands.
- "Broadcast Strength" will now be refunded when a region is destroyed by a Doomsday Device.
- Traps blocked by body bags now correctly message their state.
- Out of world no longer visible on cancelling loot item construction.
- Trap AoE now correctly updates when blocking furniture is moved.
- Assorted icon imagery fixes.
- Assorted menu functionality fixes.
- Assorted animation fixes.
- Text and localisation fixes.
- Credits updated.
- Fixed a crash when "Fuels Gold Part 2" progress reaches 99%.
- Progress will no longer be blocked if the player confirms partial construction of the Barracks.
Side Stories
- "Reign of Terra" Side Story will now trigger when appropriate conditions are met.
- "Pharaoh is Foul, Foul is Pharaoh" final scheme will now trigger correctly.
- Henchman ability 1 can now be de-activated from the side menu.
- Fix for IRIS becoming stuck on activating and de-activating "Security Network Link".
- Fixes to prevent Henchman ability VFX being visible from any floor within the Lair.
Oceans Campaign Pack
- Corrected a progression blocker in Emma's campaign when playing on Oceans DLC Island.
- Save/Load menu will now display correct image and name for Oceans DLC Island.
- Added missing localisation for a main objective in Oceans DLC campaign.
27th October 2021 - Patch 1.10.0
The spooky season is upon us, and with this update the Abomination Pack is available to Season Pass holders, or separately for purchase, blending Body Bags with a dash of mad science to add these shambling hulks of muscle to your minion ranks.
We continue to squash bugs where we find them, and this patch should remedy the remaining navigation issues some of you have experienced. The Design team have also reviewed Loot item power costs, and made some changes as a result, spreading the power requirements out more evenly to prevent sudden drains on power at the end of objectives. We’ve included the specific changes below. We've also added an option for those of you who want to use your cursor outside of EG2 while the game is running, improved a few Trap combos, and added some additional messaging where you've told us it would be helpful.
The team are hard at work on the Campaign Pack which will be our next item of new post-launch content, and will complete the Season Pass. Those of you looking for new challenges and fresh faces in your Evil Genius 2 campaigns should look out for updates on this from our Marketing team in the weeks ahead.
And finally no, we didn't forget about v1.9.0, but the reasons for jumping to v1.10.0 for this update are far less interesting than you might imagine. Bureaucracy is perhaps the ultimate evil.
We wish you continued success in your pursuit of World Domination.
~The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
- Characters will navigate unusual Lair configurations with greater reliability
- Captured minions no longer retain possession of their weapons
- Minions with the "Unloved" and "Heatwave" Traits no longer become trapped restoring stats when assigned to leave on a Scheme
- Entering High Alert while minions are in transit to a Scheme will no longer interrupt the transport in unusual circumstances
- Messaging added for minions with zero Smarts damaging Items in the Lair
- Additional visual feedback added for incarcerated characters
- The correct Genius' Inner Sanctum visuals will continue to be used when playing for an extended period of time
- The cost of Items sold while they are being moved is correctly added to the Vault
- Traps on cooldown can be used for Interrogation. This will not reset the cooldown
- Agents with depleted Resolve will attempt to exit the Lair using the closest vehicle available to them
- Active audio effects of Items no longer continue to play when not in use in unusual circumstances.
- Items that are being transported for construction no longer display a shadow at their destination before being placed
- Environment rocks no longer clip through the extreme edge of buildable space in the default Cover Operation space when playing on the "Crown Gold" Island Lair
- Environment rocks no longer clip through Items with recessed floors placed in specific locations when playing on the "Montañas Gemelas" Island Lair
- Environment rocks no longer clip through Items with recessed floors placed in specific locations when playing on the "Caine Key" Island Lair
- "Allow cursor out of window" option added
- Shortcut keys for changing tabs function consistently when navigating the save/load screens
- Gamepad control and button prompt improvements
- Explanatory tooltips added for several options settings in the launcher
- Text and localisation improvements
Sandbox Mode
- Additional icons added for Sandbox Objectives
- Doomsday Device countdown is correctly aborted when the Doomsday Device loses power for any reason
Side Stories
- The explosion damage caused by Robot minions on death has been reduced. Explosion damage caused by enemy Robots on death remains unchanged
- Robot minions are correctly affected by each Genius' AoE abilities
- Loot items have had their power requirements adjusted as follows:
- Giant Egg - Was 0 Now -2
- Area 51 Dispenser - Was 0 Now -1
- A Million Bees - Was -8 Now 0
- Carrion Flower - Was -6 Now 0
- Flying Pig - Was 0 Now -1
- Doors of Fort Knox- Was 0 Now -1
- Dodo Educator - Was 0 Now -1
- World's oldest bones - Was 0 Now -1
- Flame of Prometheus - Was -8 Now 0
- The Sarcophagus - Was 0 Now -1
- Rumpelstiltskin's Wheel - Was 0 Now -2
- Additional messaging added when Side Stories have limitations attached that could lock out other Side Stories
Henchmen & Super Agents
- Jubei will now respond to move orders while his "Flow" ability is active
- Henchman targeted abilities are no longer interrupted by an Agent disabling a Trap
- Characters hit by a Boxing Glove or Aperture Science Panel will be correctly affected by the Freeze Ray and Bubble Cannon
- Turrets are no longer able to see through Agent Disguises
- Propulsion Gel will no longer remain visible over an open Shark Tank when these traps are used in a combo
7th October 2021 - Hotfix 1.8.1
Fixes and Improvements
- Toilets are available for construction in Corridors
- Stability Improvements
Side Stories
- Objective progress is correctly tracked and updated during the "Human Resources" Side Story
Sandbox Mode
- Research Projects unlock correctly when playing in Sandbox Mode
14th September 2021 - Patch 1.8.0
This update brings further improvements to the core Evil Genius 2 experience. Sandbox Mode has had some attention from our design team, bringing the following much-requested features to the more laid-back approach to World Domination:
- All Loot Items can be constructed in Sandbox Lairs, and start each game unlocked.
- Henchmen of your choice can be added to a Sandbox Lair, selected through the Side Stories menu.
- A broad selection of enemies, from Crime Lords to Super Agents, can be called on to test your meticulously crafted Sandbox defences, also selected through the Side Stories menu.
- All present and future DLC Characters and Items can be used in Sandbox Lairs.
Whether in Sandbox Mode or a Campaign game, modelling and remodelling the finer details of your Evil Lair en masse can sometimes require more clicks than we'd like, so we've added additional hotkeys for manipulating Items in Build Mode. These hotkeys are unbound by default, but can be set through the Gameplay Options > Keyboard & Mouse Controls menu.
Finally, we have given Sir Daniel back his trusty Hunting Rifle, having inadvertently disarmed him in the previous update, limiting him to fisticuffs. Sorry about that Sir Daniel.
As ever, thank you all for your continued support of Evil Genius 2, and we wish you continued success in your pursuit of World Domination.
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
- Multiple issues with characters being unable to navigate to or from specific areas of a Lair have been resolved
- Optional keyboard hotkeys added for Moving, Selling, and Toggling Power on the selected Item while in Build Mode. Find them in Gameplay Options > Keyboard & Mouse Controls
- Characters fleeing from combat and gas clouds simultaneously will no longer become trapped in a fleeing state
- Characters waiting to be escorted to a Holding Cell will no longer become stuck in place after repeatedly toggling power to the only usable Holding Cell in a Lair
- Audible alerts added when the Genius or a Henchman catches fire
- The "Floor 1" button on the HUD no longer flickers when a fire is present on other Floors of the Lair
- Characters are now escorted to available Holding Cells correctly in unusual Lair configurations
- Characters no longer remain stationary when assigned specific jobs in unusual Lair configurations
- Characters no longer teleport to their destinations when assigned specific jobs in unusual Lair configurations
- Tourists no longer become trapped in place when attempting to board the Cruise Ship in large numbers
- Characters correctly transform into Body Bags if the Capture Tag is removed during a potentially lethal final blow
- Tourists no longer walk through restricted areas when playing on the Montañas Gemelas Island Lair
- Genius area of effect abilities will no longer impact minions on other floors of the Lair
- The Build Menu information panel correctly updates when selecting a Loot item that has not been placed immediately after selecting a Loot item that has been placed in the Lair
- The camera can no longer be positioned to clip through the Cruise Ship
- The "Crack Shot" and "Poor Shot" Traits are now mutually exclusive
- Extraneous button prompts and tooltips have been removed from a number of menus
- Stability improvements and performance optimisations
- Gamepad control and button prompt improvements
- Text and localisation improvements
Sandbox Mode
- DLC content is now available in Sandbox Mode
- Construction visual effects will display correctly during extreme builds in Sandbox Mode
- The "Back" button functions as intended on the Island Selection screen when starting a new Sandbox game
- IRIS will no longer become stuck in place on the Shark Tank Trap in unusual circumstances during Emma's Campaign Objective, "Tourists Trap"
- Visual effects from Emma's "Plotter" ability no longer display on Body Bags after using this ability on a Henchman shortly before Executing them
- Incendio has the correct Crime Lord Trait and overhead icon during Emma's Campaign Objective, "Untied Nations"
- The "Destroy S.M.A.S.H." Scheme no longer appears during Emma's Campaign Objective, "Doomsday"
- V.E.N.O.M. Gas Traps once again harm Agents as intended during Emma's campaign
- Feral minions are now immune to Execution attempts throughout Emma's Campaign
- The "Fake Schematics" Item can now be placed in the Training Room during Maximilian's Campaign Objective, "As Broken As My Heart"
- Crime Lord Barks will consistently match their on-screen callouts during Maximilian's Campaign Objective, "Bury The Hatchet"
Side Stories
- Writers will not attempt to flee the Lair after being captured during the Side Story, "Hearts and Masterminds"
- Icons for Deception-class Side Stories are correctly displayed in the Objectives Screen
Henchmen & Super Agents
- DLC Henchmen recruited after completing one or more Henchmen Improvement Research Projects will have their stats boosted correctly
- Sir Daniel Ernest Hemingboone has had his trusty Hunting Rifle returned to him, and is once again armed for ranged combat
- Wrecking Bola no longer becomes stuck in place when intercepted for Distract by a Deception class minion
- The effectiveness of Blue Saint's Smoke Bombs has been increased
- Friendly Henchmen no longer temporarily target Doomhilda when her "Shattering Voice" ability is used nearby
- The Pyro Henchman's "Armageddon" ability activates more reliably when used during combat
- The Pyro's bark for the "Armageddon" ability will no longer be interrupted by their regular attack bark, when playing in fast forward
- Combatants now react correctly to Espectro's melee combat finisher
- Clara Jones' position marker is no longer misaligned when using a Conference Table
- Moving a Trap while it's active will no longer result in those characters being teleported to the intended destination of the Trap
- The effective trigger zone for the "Shark Tank" Trap has been increased
- Explosions from the "Puppy of Death" Trap are no longer visible when viewing other floors
World Map
- Lair icons on the World Map now display correctly when playing as Zalika or Maximilian
- The Cloning Machine, Basic Training, and Bush Tucker BBQ Items will be used by minions more frequently than before
- Minions will cease using the "Melee Trainer" and "Agent Disguise Simulator" Items during High Alert
- Minions returning dropped Ray Guns play the correct animation upon reaching the Loot item
- The "Security Checkpoint" Item correctly indicates that it increases the number of Security Cameras in the Lair by 1
- Extraneous access point indicators (footprints) have been removed from multiple variants of Doors
- Longer Item names are no longer truncated on tooltips
10th August 2021 - Patch 1.7.0
This update focuses on quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes.
With this update, Traps no longer take passive Durability damage. Instead, Traps take a hit to their Durability only when they are triggered, and this is a flat Durability hit regardless of how many characters are caught in that activation. For example, a Pinball Bumper may be struck by multiple characters (or the same character repeatedly) on a single activation, but this results in only a single drop in Durability. A few oddities in pathfinding have been cleared up, so your minions will no longer take the long way around to avoid Paywalls, and we've significantly reduced the cost of all Traps, easing the impact to your Vault when building more elaborate Trap networks.In general, where a character looks like they are wearing something which should offer protection from gasses (a gas-mask, respirator, or maybe they just don’t have lungs at all) then they are now unaffected by gas clouds that would cause damage from breathing in. These characters will still be affected if the gas is corrosive or magical in nature, and will still be effected by beneficial gas-based effects.
IRIS is always eager to keep you informed of goings on across your Lair, but sometimes she can be a little too keen, resulting in repeated notifications for events you're well aware of. We've made adjustments here, toning down some of the less important audible alerts, and will continue to monitor this in the weeks ahead.
Finally, inactive Regions on the World Map can be more easily identified from the fully zoomed out view, where idle Criminal Networks will display a visual effect, and Achievement hunters should have a slightly easier time following this update, as acquiring the Prometheus Flame no longer locks out the Hubbard Slice for that campaign.
Over the past few months our community team has also been gathering feedback from a variety of spaces, we’re really grateful for all of our players who engage with us and each other on the forums and social platforms so that we can understand the sentiment coming from our community.
Thank you all for your continued support of Evil Genius 2!
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
- Reduced the frequency of audible IRIS alerts for multiple categories of notification
- Audio on the Genius select screen now plays as expected, and at appropriate volume
- Minions imprisoned while deserting will more reliably restore their stats, and may gain a new Trait to reduce their stat depletion for a time after they are released
- Characters with visible protection cannot be harmed by gas attacks. This includes the Pyro, Magnolia Ming, Espectro, Biologists, and all Robots
- Investigators no longer take photographs of non-suspicious items
- The Blue Saint now uses blue smoke bombs to attempt to disguise himself
- The HUD indicator correctly displays when Research has halted
- It is no longer possible to change floor during the early stages of the Tutorial
- Characters can no longer be targeted until they have fully exited their arrival vehicle
- Characters will no longer clip through beach furniture in new games
- Character vocalisations no longer continue when the game is paused
- The "Dirt" button is no longer highlighted when opening the Build Menu using right-click
- Tooltips no longer remain displayed when moving the camera after highlighting edit buttons on a furniture item
- Tooltips for the last item visible on the Build Menu is no longer erroneously displayed when toggling the Side Panel
- Characters can be sorted by positive and negative Traits in the Minion Manager
- The Minion Manager will provide feedback when a search has no results to display
- In the Minion Manager, viewing the last minion's stats in a full screen of results no longer causes those stats to be displayed off screen
- Narrative minions are correctly removed from view when using toggling minion visibility in Photo Mode
- Input prompts are correctly displayed when using Photo Mode, and controls for switching tabs are consistent
- Edge scrolling now functions when using Photo Mode
- Informational messages that Achievements cannot be earned in specific game modes have had their prominence increased
- A warning message has been added that earning difficulty-related Achievements may be affected if the difficulty setting is changed for a game in progress
- The "Customise Graphics Detail" Options menu correctly closes when pressing the Escape key
- Island environment is no longer visible through floors when constructing Stairs in specific locations on the "Caine Key" Island Lair
- Characters correctly appear in callout boxes during their barks when they are killed or captured
- Correct Crime Lords are visible during their barks if multiple Crime Lords have died simultaneously
- Narrative minions correctly display an appropriate icon in their side panels
- Agent types and J Steele now unlock predictably in the Rogue's Gallery
- The "Load Game" menu option is no longer available if there are no save games available
- DLC used in the current game can be viewed through the "Active DLC" Pause Menu option
- Performance improvements and memory optimisations
- Gamepad control improvements
- Text and localisation improvements
- Audio now plays reliably during campaign completion cutscenes
- A task to fire H.A.V.O.C. at a Force of Justice headquarters is no longer erroneously completed during Red Ivan's campaign Objective, ""Cry H.A.V.O.C."
- Tourists leaving on the Cruise Ship no longer increments task progress during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "Going for Gold"
- Peacekeepers correctly display an overhead icon during Emma's campaign Objective, "Tourist Season"
- Incorrect Scheme reward text has been corrected in Emma's Campaign objective, "Spectres"
- Super Agents are now referred to by name when tagged by the Genius during later campaign Objectives
- Switching floors is no longer possible during a Genius' death animation
Side Stories
- Acquiring the Prometheus Flame Loot Item no longer blocks unlocking the Hubbard Slice Loot Item
- Research requirements have been adjusted to require only one minion type and one item type in Side Story, "Pride Goeth Before the Fallout"
- Minions will no longer repeatedly interact with the Magic Carpet Loot item during the Side Story, "Too Darn Hot"
- Minions no longer talk over subsequent lines during Talking Heads scenes which include the Pyro
- Crime Lord Side Stories are no longer incorrectly labelled as "Minion Recruitment" Objective during the Tutorial
- Attempting to use Fugu Furakawa's abilities while she is already in combat will no longer deduct the required stats without activating the ability
- The Pyro's "Armageddon" ability no longer activates twice in unusual circumstances
- The strength of Iris' basic attacks has been slightly reduced
- The strength of Doomhilda's basic attacks has been slightly increased
- Jubei's barks no longer display incorrect callout text in unusual circumstances
- Activating Espectro's "Clone" ability while he's moving no longer activates the ability cooldown without summoning the clone
- Incendio's position marker is no longer misaligned while sitting at a Conference Table
- Most Traps no longer take passive Durability damage. Instead, Traps take Durability damage each time they are activated, once per activation. Single use traps, Loot Traps, the Fake Safe, and the Pay Wall are unaffected by this change
- The cost of all Traps has been reduced by circa 20%
- Tourists correctly interact with active Paywall Traps
- Minions and Tourists no longer avoid pathing through a Paywall Trap
- Correct animation will play when characters are Interrogated on the Venus Spy Trap
- The "Puppy of Death" Trap container no longer ceases to be rendered at distance
World Map
- Inactive Regions are now indicated with a visual effect when fully zoomed out on the World Map
- The Hubbard Slice Loot item now prevents fires on Traps as well as other Lair Items
- The Maple Syrup Loot item now restores Morale more rapidly
- Characters' legs no longer elevate out of place when using the "Omni-Check-Up" Infirmary item
- Visual effects of some items no longer appear when viewing different floors of the Lair
- Eli Barracuda's hair no longer clips through the Cabal Induction Chair during use
16th July 2021 - Hotfix 1.6.1
- Moving Gold Statues during Maximilian's campaign no longer causes crashes
- Characters tagged for Capture will no longer be killed by the Pyro's flamethrower, by Jubei's Flow ability, or by other spreadable effects
13th July 2021 - Patch 1.6.0
We have continued to focus on quality-of-life improvements and key areas of community feedback, and while many of these have their own entry in the patch notes below, there are a few higher-level areas we'd like to call out here.
There has been a clear and consistent call to make your Cover Operation a meaningful secondary source of income, and with this update you should see a marked increase to the Gold you can make when setting your casino items to "Scam Tourists". With this update, those of you who want to place greater emphasis on money making opportunities within your Cover Operation should find yourselves able to do so, and we'll continue to monitor this change in the weeks ahead
In the June update we significantly increased the impact of Decor items across the board, but we weren't satisfied with the messaging of these effects, so we've made additional changes here. Each Decor item, where applicable, now displays its area of effect in a solid colour that matches the stat that it affects: Pink for Vitality, Yellow for Smarts, Green for Morale. Items within Decor's area of effect will also become tinted with the colour of the relevant stat, clarifying which Decor item is active. A small number of Decor Items have had their boost effect modified to increase their utility, and those are called out in the specific patch notes below.
Many Objectives require the completion of narrative Research, and some of you have got in touch to ask for a way to avoid losing progress when switching between Research Projects. With this update you can do exactly that, switching between Research Projects with a minimum of fuss while retaining progress made, as well as adding the option to suspend Research entirely if you want your Science minions to focus on the Control Room for a while, for example. Of course, you can still cancel a Research Project entirely if you just need the Gold back in a pinch.
Henchmen have been rebalanced, with the intent of more significantly differentiating their effectiveness based on their type:
- Deception henchmen now roam the Cover Operation, dealing high Harass damage allows them to deter Agents and Tourists without initiating combat, where their effectiveness is weaker
- Muscle henchmen have had a rebalance, making them less effective in the Cover Operation but more obviously tuned for direct combat
- Science henchmen now sit somewhere in the middle, with average combat and Cover Operation effectiveness making way for their boosted, more outlandish abilities
- Each Henchman's Stats now better reflect their specialisation
- Agents and Super Agents have received additional, though less significant balance adjustments, and Crime Lords should pose more of a challenge across the board
We're aware of a small number of players continuing to encounter problems when playing Evil Genius 2 with wireless headphones - please get in touch with our Customer Support team if you're one of them, so we can track down the root of the problem.
As always, thanks for your continued support of Evil Genius 2.
-The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
- Super Serum VFX has been modified to remove an undesirable flickering effect
- The "Share Game Information" options setting is correctly preserved
- The Build menu can be consistently accessed after selecting a Decor or Lair Item during the Tutorial
- Added an option to Accessibility settings to reduce the risk of burn-in when playing Evil Genius 2 for extended periods on certain OLED displays
- Tooltips added for FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 in Graphics Options
- "Select All" option added to the DLC select screen
- Added an option to remove individual key bindings through the "Keyboard & Mouse Controls" menu
- Agents that arrive during specific narrative Objectives will correctly leave the Lair when their Resolve is reduced to zero
- Agents being Escorted past a Paywall Trap will no longer cause the Trap to briefly activate
- Animations on the Objective Tracker have been reduced for small increments of Objective progress
- The completion audio for Objectives and Research Projects will no longer repeat under unusual circumstances
- Updated IRIS alert when Rogues are stealing Loot items
- Pinball Bumper musical notes are correctly previewed while the game is paused, and the sound effects for these notes has been improved
- The same Pinball Bumper musical note can be previewed multiple times
- Updated sound effects for Stun Guns and Stun Rifles
- The "Pyromaniac" trait correctly gives minions a small chance to set opponents on fire during combat
- The level of Agents accompanying a Super Agent is displayed correctly when they are imprisoned in a Holding Cell
- Cursor added to indicate an area cannot be marked for Security Zones
- Narrative characters will correctly display a Distract overhead icon when Tagged for Distract after escaping a Holding Cell
- The camera can no longer pass through the second level of a Doomsday Device on the "Montañas Gemelas" Island Lair
- In new games, characters will no longer clip through folding chairs on the beach level of an Island Lair
- The number of minions that will be auto-hired or bought is now displayed when viewing Workers in the Minion Training screen
- Locked Training Items are no longer displayed when changing tab in the Minion Training screen
- The HUD correctly displays when Research has been manually paused
- Information panels for Rooms display correctly when navigating back to the Room tab
- The Character Selection menu closes correctly when a hotkey is used to select a character while this menu is open
- Research Project icons have been corrected in the Side Panels of the Research menu
- The confirmation pop-up when using a gamepad to collect Optional Objective Rewards has been removed
- The selected Side Story is correctly displayed after navigating to another tab of the Objectives screen, then back again
- Information for the Martial Artist no longer unlocks in the Rogues' Gallery after unlocking the Mercenary minion type
- An input prompt has been added for returning to the list when viewing a completed Objective
- The cursor control keys can be used to correctly navigate the Minion Manager list
- Saves can now be correctly deleted when using a gamepad
- The menu bar is more easily accessible following a Game Over when playing with a gamepad
- Locked Items are correctly highlighted in the Build Menu when using a gamepad
- Hidden Build Menu buttons are no longer selectable during Talking Heads
- It is no longer possible to navigate away from the Benchmark results screen by selecting hidden buttons
- Text and localisation improvement
- Agent Steele can be captured during the Side Story, "The Melting Point Of Steele" to earn the Achievement, "Can't Be Fooled"
- Characters who have been turned to Gold statues no longer become unselectable in unusual circumstances during Maximilian's campaign
- Tamara Krast can no longer be Tagged for Kill or Distract during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "Gold Fingers, And Toes, And...Well, Everything"
- Listening Devices will be placed correctly by Agents in Maximilian's campaign Objective, "Hostile Takeover"
- Removed Listening Devices will consistently count toward progress in Maximilian's campaign Objective, "Hostile Takeover"
- Golden Statues can no longer be placed in external locations during Maximilian's campaign
- Notable Engineers will no longer Repair standard Lair Items during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "M.I.D.A.S. Touch"
- Kidnapped Scientists are attributed to the correct Force of Justice during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "If You Build It, They Will Scream"
- V.O.I.D. Worshippers no longer have their names overwritten, and will be assigned jobs correctly during Zalika's campaign
- Firing V.O.I.D. with a completed Research Tree will result in a reward of Gold being added to the Aftermath Scheme, with more Gold available if the device is fired at Level 2 or 3 during Zalika's campaign
- Offscreen indicators display correctly when viewing a different floor from the required items during Zalika's campaign Objective, "Damage Control"
- "Random Sample" Schemes now require only a Level 1 Criminal Network in Zalika's campaign Objective, "Barely Living Proof"
- Agent infiltration positions have been updated during Zalika's campaign Objective, "Damage Control"
- P.E.A.C.E. Agents are attributed to the correct Force of Justice during Red Ivan's campaign Objective, "P.E.A.C.E. Corpse"
- Peacekeeper Soldiers can no longer be Tagged for Distract during Emma's campaign Objective, "Tourist Season"
- Rewards are correctly displayed for the "Uncover Agents" Research Project in Emma's campaign Objective, "Spectres"
- Confirmation pop-up added when returning to the Title Screen from the Credits at the end of a campaign
- The "New Main Objective Available" IRIS alert no longer plays at the beginning of the credits after completing a Campaign
Side Stories
- Minions no longer move into the air when clearing Gas Clouds on specific areas of the "Montañas Gemelas" Island Lair
- A S.M.A.S.H. Region must now be Scouted before the Cabal Side Story, "Giving Up The Ghost" to become available
- Characters will no longer be set alight when escorting Incendio to a Holding Cell during the Side Story, "Unwanted Guests"
- Crime Lords allied with the player can no longer be tagged for Capture
- Full Metal Jackie can no longer be tagged for Capture in the Side Story, "Up In Arms"
- The Super Bot can no longer be Tagged for Kill in the Side Story, "When You Cut Me, Do I Not Lubricate?"
- Schemes to invite Critics to the Lair now spawn in a broader variety of Regions in the Side Story, "Fugu State"
- Additional guidance arrows added to the Side Story, "Learn The Ways Of the Technician"
- Schemes referencing the Flame of Prometheus no longer spawn during the Side Story, "What's Mine Is Mine"
- The Threat Scheme, "Hot To Trot" now displays correct VFX during the Side Story, "The World Is Hot Enough"
- The Threat Scheme "Slippery Slope" displays the correct VFX during Side Story, "Imbalance of Power"
- Arms Dealer Goons display the correct job name when demonstrating weapons during the Side Story, "Heavy Metal Queen"
- Medical Investigators are correctly attributed to the S.M.A.S.H. Force of Justice in the Side Story, "King Of The Fountain"
- Maximilian's "Train Faster" Ability no longer affects minions outside of his visible aura
- Emma's "Plotter" Ability now displays correct VFX when used on Espectro's Clone
- IRIS will correctly disable her Security Network Ability if she enters a wounded state while this Ability is active
- The Ability duration bar is displayed appropriately for all Henchman abilities
World Map
- World Map Regions can now be navigated by using the Q and E keys on a keyboard, or by using the bumpers on a gamepad. Button prompts have been added to Region Side Panels to indicate this
- The Lockdown alert indicator is no longer displayed in Regions that have not been Scouted
- Heat bar animations now display correctly at all levels, including when a Region is in Lockdown
- Heat gain for Schemes in S.A.B.R.E. Regions with a Level 4 Criminal Network have been brought in line with other Force of Justice Regions
- Doors display correctly as open or closed at greater camera distances
- The Agent Disguise Simulator is now displayed correctly at all camera distances
- The "R.A.Y.G.U.N." VFX will consistently display during longer Interrogations
- Investigator Agents will correctly gain Suspicion after encountering the R.A.Y.G.U.N. or Induction Chair items
- Loot items which are immune to Durability damage will no longer be marked for Repair
- The Melee Trainer Lair Item is correctly affected by the Hubbard Slice and Sands of Time Loot items
- The Broken Time Machine now correctly applies traits to Agents in addition to minions
- Advanced Guard Posts can now have their Power disabled
- The Loot items, "No. 2 Memorial", "Mr. Scruffles", and "John Steele's Defeat" can no longer have their Power disabled
- Text displayed in the Side Panel of the "Secure Holding Cell" and "Unpleasant Holding Cell" no longer overlaps
- Character position markers are no longer misaligned when selected while using the R.A.Y.G.U.N. Lair Item
- Henchmen will play their bark correctly when ordered to interact with the Cabal Induction Chair
- The "Egg Pod" Infirmary Decor Item now gives a boost to Restore Vitality jobs
- The "Brain Hologram" Laboratory Decor Item now reduces Smarts decay
- The "Food Disposal" and "Condiments" Mess Hall Decor Items now give a boost to Restore Smarts jobs
22nd June 2021 - Hotfix 1.5.2
Fixes and Improvements
- Benchmark Mode added
- Resolved a timing issue which could cause Evil Genius 2 to crash when launching or cancelling a Scheme in unusual circumstances
AMD FidelityFX
- Added support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 to Graphics Options
Ultra Quality mode produces a super resolution image with quality very close to native rendering. It should be selected when the highest quality is desired
Quality mode produces a super resolution image with quality representative of native rendering, with a sizeable performance gain
Balanced mode produces a super resolution image approximating native rendering quality, with a major performance gain compared to native
Performance mode visibly impacts image quality and should only be selected in situations where needing additional performance is critical
10th June 2021- Hotfix 1.5.1
- Resolved an issue where some players were unable to start Evil Genius 2 without removing their previous game saves
8th June 2021 - Patch 1.5.0
This update focuses on quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. With this update, additional content can be added to a campaign in progress through the "Enable DLC" option on any Load Game panel, and we intend to continue to support this option for all future DLC, with the exception of the Campaign pack, as noted in the last Development Update.
Deserting minions can now be captured and allowed to reconsider whether betraying you is really a mistake they can afford to make, with the result that their Morale will gradually restore during captivity, and with the new "Release Prisoner" button on all flavours of Holding Cell, said minions can be released and allowed to return to work once you determine they've learned their lesson.
We've also taken a good long look at Decor Items, as though the effects of these were always intended to be subtle, they were clearly not having a sufficiently measurable impact on your Evil Lairs, and as a result have had their effects significantly boosted.
The strength of Force of Justice Agents against Lair defences continues to be a focus area for the Design team, but as a first step with this update you should find Agents are less effective at Sabotaging Traps at all but the highest levels.
Please note: We continue to investigate reports that a number of players have been unable to play Evil Genius 2 since updating to a previous version, and will be releasing a fix for this as soon as we are able to do so.
Thank you all for your continued support of Evil Genius 2: we'll continue to listen to your feedback through the Community team.
- The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes and Improvements
- Characters now board the Cruise Ship more swiftly.
- Click and hold functionality has been improved for picking-up and moving Items.
- All Decor effects have been significantly boosted. Note that an Item can be affected by only one Decor Item at a time, and we are looking at improving the messaging of this in a future patch.
- Deserting minions can now be captured and imprisoned to make them rethink their life choices, and slowly restore their Morale.
- Warning notification added at the "Point of No Return", after which progressing to the next campaign Objective will prohibit access to any remaining Side Stories.
- The layout of rock types in Montañas Gemelas has been modified to increase options for reaching the lower levels of the Doomsday Cavern. Note that this change will impact new campaigns only.
- Options for Stair placement on the basement floors of the "Crown Gold" and "Caine Key" Island Lairs have been expanded. Note that this change will impact new campaigns only.
- Characters will no longer become trapped inside the Helipad tower in unusual circumstances on the "Caine Key" Island Lair.
- Characters should no longer become temporarily trapped when moving through Doors in unusual circumstances.
- Access to the Doomsday Device Cavern can no longer be blocked by placing Items.
- Training Items will no longer enter a state where training is extremely swift or extremely slow in unusual circumstances.
- Characters no longer become clipped with one another and unable to board vehicles in unusual circumstances.
- The frequency of IRIS notifications has been reduced for the Vault, combat, and Training interruptions.
- Fire Extinguishers no longer become less used over time if minions drop them to desert the Lair due to low Morale.
- Using hotkeys to select Henchmen will no longer cause the camera to jump to their location.
- Completion rewards have been added to Objectives that previously had none.
- Commanding a captive to be Escorted to first a Prison Cell, then overriding this with a command for the same captive to be taken to an Interrogation device, will correctly result in the second command being carried out.
- Minions will no longer use Items which boost their maximum stat value unless the stat which will be boosted is already over 45.
- Character Abilities are more clearly differentiated on Side Panels when the character has insufficient stats to activate them.
- New Status messages for the Genius and Henchmen indicating that their stats can be restored at an Impressive Desk or Conference Table respectively.
- Enemy characters using Cover Operation Items are now correctly affected by Gas attacks, such as Fugu Furakawa's "Blowfish Explosion" Ability.
- Additional rare Traits added when minions are spawned, or complete specific jobs around the Lair.
- The Gold cost of broadcast strength Research Projects has been reduced.
- The "Learning Lamp" Archive Item correctly lists Deception minions as Users, and Science minions as Operators.
- The "Intensive Care Pod" Infirmary Item correctly lists All minions as Users, and Science minions & Workers as Operators.
- The doors of the "Rejuvenation Chamber" Lair Item now animate correctly, and the visual effects align correctly with the model.
- Characters no longer play erratic animations before death in unusual circumstances.
- Characters' limbs remain in the intended positions during Interrogation.
- Selecting the final stage of a Doomsday Device, then entering Build Mode will no longer cause the Doomsday Device to temporarily float in place.
- Descriptions have been added for Mode settings on Lair Items.
- Door access times have been slightly adjusted.
- Suspicion is now displayed on the Side Panels of Lair Items awaiting construction.
- The "Laser Disco" Trap no longer clips through area of effect indicators when selecting other Traps.
- Cover Operation glass is no longer visible when constructing Stairs near the windows of the "Montañas Gemelas" Island Lair.
- The Event Log displayed in the Stats Screen now scrolls correctly when clicking and dragging the scroll bar.
- The Research screen will now display a brief explanation if Research has become paused.
- Deception minion descriptions are listed correctly in the Rogues' Gallery.
- Information overlays for Tourist Side Panels have been updated.
- Triggering a Flamethrower Trap will no longer trigger a Fire-related Event Log message unless minions are caught in the effect.
- Maximilian's Inner Sanctum wall tiles no longer clip through Doors.
- The cursor for ordering prisoners to be moved to an empty cell is no longer misshapen.
- Player-controlled characters no longer rise a short distance into the air when ordered to walk to specific locations near the swimming pool on the "Crown Gold" Island Lair.
- "Move" Tooltip is no longer displayed in the top-left of the screen after placing an Item then immediately selecting it.
- Minion position markers are no longer misaligned when selected while using specific Lair Items.
- Minor improvements to icons when colour blindness settings are enabled.
- The game no longer lags when adjusting the Brightness slider in the Graphics Options screen.
- The ability to move Items is no longer prematurely unlocked in the Tutorial.
- Items from the "In-Genius Items" pack can be used to complete Tutorial tasks where appropriate.
- The Technician Trainer correctly obeys in-game audio settings.
- A number of Schemes have had their locations adjusted to more suitably match their descriptions.
- A number of Traits have had their effects significantly boosted.
- Depth of Field Toggle added under Options > Accessibility Options.
- Improved gamepad support.
- Text and localisation improvements.
- The "Fighting Fire With Fire" achievement now unlocks correctly when setting Atomic Olga on fire by using Traps.
- In Zalika's campaign Objective, "Tourist Trap", curing IRIS will no longer count toward Henchman recruitment achievements.
- The "Total Annihilation" achievement no longer unlocks prematurely.
- Emma will no longer become trapped in an Execution animation in unusual circumstances.
- The backfire effect of H.A.V.O.C. has been reduced.
- John Steele Snr's Allies can no longer be brainwashed in Emma's campaign Objective, "Poison Paradise".
- Minions will no longer approach John Steele Snr when attempting to Execute him during Emma's campaign Objective, "Dear John".
- Geniuses can no longer be reduced to 0 Smarts by Mocking prisoners repeatedly.
- Main Objective Schemes will spawn more rapidly on the World Map, reducing wait times.
- The appearance of Regions affected by the M.I.D.A.S. Device at maximum power has been improved.
- Investigators who reach 0 Resolve will correctly attempt to escape the Lair during Red Ivan's campaign Objective, "Rumour Has It".
- The "Ambush Air" Scheme displays the correct rewards during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "Trap D'Or".
- Political Aides will no longer gain a brief "Exit" overhead icon in Maximilian's campaign Objective, "The Traditional Method".
- Nigel McReary will attempt to avoid combat during Maximilian's Campaign Objective, "War On Krast".
- Schemes which invite additional Tourists to the Lair have had their visual significance reduced during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "War On Krast".
- Agents assaulting the Lair are attributed to the correct Force of Justice during Maximilian's campaign Objective, "The Golden Age".
Side Stories
- Carl Cafard no longer clips into the "Valuable Paintings" Item while inspecting it during the Side Story, "Body Snatcher".
- Beekeepers will no long attempt to escape the Lair during the Side Story, "One In A Bee-Lion".
- Cameras that have already been constructed will count toward the Side Stories, "Thy Fearful Symmetry" and "Wind Wars: The Wind Strikes Back".
- Travel Agents will no longer put up a fight when tagged for Capture in the Side Story, "North By North".
- The "Antidote" Research Project is no longer removed if the game is played for over 15 hours while remaining on the Side Story "Going Green".
- Full Metal Jackie correctly has the "Temporary Partnership" Trait during the Side Story, "Eighteen With A Bullet".
- The "Time After Time" Research project has had its research time significantly reduced in Side Story, "Outta Time".
- Eli's Guards no longer display a Force of Justice affiliation in the Side Story, "Vox Pop-Eli".
- The Event Log correctly indicates Agent X has arrived at the Lair alone during Side Story, "Manifest Entropy".
- "Attack Robots" no longer arrive prematurely during the Side Story, "I Spy With My Cybernetically Enhanced Eye".
- Schemes no longer incorrectly appear as Threats during the Side Story, "Hail To The Chef".
- Espectro no longer hovers in the air above P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Region terrain when he appears on the World Map during Cabal Side Stories.
- Ignacio no longer has a Trait erroneously indicating he is actually Incendio during the Side Story, "Fire In The Hole".
Super Agents
- Side Panel portraits for Agent Steele now match the appearance of the character.
- Super Agents Side Panels include the correct Force of Justice affiliation when they are Lured from the World Stage.
- Specialist Agents accompanying a Super Agent are assigned the correct Force of Justice affiliation.
- Henchman Abilities no longer enter cooldown or have their stat cost taken before they are in the correct position to begin using the selected Ability.
- Jubei will no longer teleport through terrain when his "Windwalk" ability is targeted at very specific points on an Island Lair.
- Jubei no longer becomes unresponsive in unusual circumstances when activating his "Flow" ability while the game is paused.
- Jubei's "Flow" Ability can no longer be activated while he is being Executed.
- Incendio will no longer become stuck in an animation cycle when using his "Magic Trick" ability in unusual circumstances.
- Incendio's Side Panel now correctly lists the Morale cost for using his "Misdirection" character ability.
- Espectro will no longer become unresponsive after being ordered to use his "Clone" ability immediately after completing a move command.
- Selecting Espectro's "Summon Ally" Ability while "Piston Punch" is being activated will correctly focus the camera on the Espectro Clone, if one has already been summoned.
- Fugu Furakawa's "Sleeping With The Fishes" Scheme now correctly removes all Heat from a Region, regardless of the level of the Criminal Network.
- Eli's Silver Revolver should no longer disappear from his hand during idle animations at a Conference Table.
- Clara Jones defeat bark is now paired with the correct text.
Loot Items
- The requirements for a minion to be judged worthy by the Sword In the Stone Loot item have been made easier to meet.
- Certain Loot items can no longer be stolen during their Side Stories.
- The "Cupid's Arrow" Loot item can no longer be destroyed.
- Minions will more commonly use the "World's Oldest Bones" Loot Item.
- The "Million Bees" Loot Item no longer requires a minion to deliver it to the Depot before it can be placed.
- Loot Item information is consistently unlocked in the Rogues' Gallery after acquiring it.
- When using a gamepad, navigating between placed Loot Items in the Build Menu no longer skips items in the list.
20th May 2021 - Hotfix 1.4.1
Hi, this is Rob Myall, lead coder on Evil Genius 2, with another development update. We continue to see lively discussion on all our social media channels and hopefully this will help you understand where our priorities are today.
With the release of our In-Genius Items Pack, one of our early decisions to only allow the addition of DLC to new campaigns received a lot of feedback and we’re looking to address that as soon as we possibly can, hopefully in the next major patch. The next patch will focus on further quality of life updates and bug fixes. This is looking promising but is going to take a fair amount of testing so we can’t rush it out of the door. This will ultimately exclude one item of DLC – the Campaign Pack – which, as you’ll see when we start to reveal more details, is not something that can be dropped into a game in progress.
We’re also continuing to look at other points of feedback: many of you have expressed dissatisfaction with the vignette effect around the screen so we’re looking to add an accessibility option to disable this, as well as an option to disable some of the flashing elements in the UI. One of the items we couldn’t address in our large balance patch (V1.3.0) was research still being an item that blocks play, so we’re looking at whether we can retain your progress on one research project while allowing you to switch to another (allowing you to prioritise that World Domination research without having to abandon a longer-term upgrade).
Rich Edwards’ design team are looking at balance issues to do with the spreading of Fire (which may help those struggling with a Red Ivan playthrough!), how Agents interact with the Cover Operation and their initial entry in to the Lair, and looking at making Traps more effective. They’re also fixing a number of Loot items that haven’t quite been working as expected.
Keep engaging with our Community team and we’ll do our best to keep you apprised.
-Rob and The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
This latest hotfix addresses a small number of issues raised following the release of our last patch. The list of changes that are now live are as follows:
- Addressed a crash when a character has been targeted by a Special Ability, but despawns before the Special Ability has completed.
- Incendio's "Magic Trick" ability will correctly display a cooldown timer.
- Completing "The Melting Point of Steele" Side Story will no longer remove Symmetry from the campaign.
12th May 2021 - Patch 1.4.0
Our team have been hard at work addressing improvements and locating and resolving additional bugs raised by the Community since our last patch. Once again, we’d like to thank the Evil Genius Community for their continued support.
-The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
New Content
- FREE Minion 2 Statue - This advisor once dared to tell a Genius what to do and how to do it. That didn’t go so well – but at least she got a statue… Every player will find this statue added to the Loot section of their Build Menu as standard from launch today!
Fixes and Improvements
- Prisoners can be moved from one Cell to another by using the "Escort Prisoner" feature.
- Minions correctly attempt to escape after being imprisoned in a Cell.
- Combining the Cupid's Arrow Loot item with a Shark Tank no longer results in an inescapable Trap.
- Notifications for Minion Salaries more accurately coincide with their respective events.
- Sound effects for Henchman abilities play consistently.
- Characters' limbs remain in the intended positions when interacting with Lair Items & equipment.
- Items placed by Agents, Crime Lords, or narrative Objectives are no longer constructed on tiles that block existing build orders.
- Characters consistently navigate Stairs in unusual Lair configurations.
- Minions are less likely to abandon useful jobs to play Videogames while their stats allow them to continue working.
- The Minion Training Screen now displays training items that are under construction.
- Disabling the "Auto-Follow" option no longer prevents a character from being followed by clicking the profile image on their Side Panel.
- The presentation of Research Project costs update correctly based on colour blindness accessibility settings.
- The Cost of Organic Samples has been increased to be consistent with other Research equipment.
- The Holographic Globe now requires Quantum Chemists and a Super Computer to unlock.
- The Computer Array now requires Biologists and a Centrifuge to unlock.
- Security Zone modes that have not been unlocked now display correct descriptions.
- Geniuses can no longer be ordered to use Weapon Racks.
- The durability of Armoury Items now depletes consistently.
- Objective images correctly display after opening the Objectives interface directly after the Minion Manager.
- End of Campaign cutscenes correctly respect in-game volume settings.
- Cover Op Decor items now function as intended.
- Decor Items for the Cover Operation are no longer made available before this Room type has been unlocked.
- Selecting a Locked minion type, then closing and reopening the Minion Training screen will correctly display a Worker minion.
- Weapon racks can no longer be placed with their access points overlapping one another.
- Security Cameras no longer have their orientation locked in unusual circumstances.
- Generated and consumed Power is displayed correctly in the Stats Screen.
- Rotation points have been adjusted for some Lair Items.
- Improved gamepad support.
- Text and localisation improvements.
- The Achievement "Your Very Own Museum" can be correctly unlocked after obtaining the Hubbard Slice before the Flame of Prometheus.
- The Achievement "Recruit Them All" can be correctly unlocked without recruiting both Clara Jones and Carl Cafard.
- Achievements for firing later stages of a Doomsday Device are no longer unlocked during Test Firing.
- During the "Bury the Hatchet" campaign Objective, Criminal Goons can no longer be captured and brainwashed.
- The Board Meeting can be consistently completed in Maximilian's campaign Objective, "War on Krast".
- The Criminal Network level requirement has been lowered in Red Ivan's campaign Objective, "Glorious Reclamation".
- The aftermath Schemes from firing the M.I.D.A.S. device no longer occasionally suggest you have fired H.A.V.O.C.
- The "Great Studies" Research cost is correctly displayed during Zalika's campaign Objective, "Brain Trust".
- Emma's "Plotter" ability displays updated visual effects.
Side Stories
- Crime Lords can be targeted using Henchman abilities.
- The number of Super Agents assaulting the Lair has been reduced during the Side Story, "The Melting Point of Steele".
- Additional Demolition Squaddies will assault the Lair if one or more of them are Brainwashed during the Side Story, "The Brave And the Bola".
- Permanently defeated Super Agents are no longer resurrected to be defeated again during the Side story, "The Other Most Dangerous Game".
- Incendio no longer gains a trait indicating he is a Super Agent during the Side Story, "Ace Up The Sleeve".
- Schemes to Stop Poison Attempts will correctly be removed if cancelled during the Side Story, "Hail To The Chef".
- Correct voiceover plays when recruiting Eli Barracuda Jnr in Zalika's campaign.
- The correct Threat Indicator is displayed over the "Wing Or Lose" Threat during the Side Story, "Vox Pop-Eli".
Super Agents
- Permanently defeating a Super Agent correctly removes their Threats from the World Map.
- Wrecking Bola now arrives at the Lair with a team of Agents when Lured.
- Agent Steele's "Smash And Grab" Threats no longer spawn in multiples within a single Region.
- Agent X's Hard Boiled Investigators are consistently attributed to the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Force of Justice.
- Agent Steele now gives 20 Intel when successfully Interrogated.
- Espectro no longer becomes trapped in place when interrogating captured characters on Traps.
- Sir Daniel can recover his stats at a Conference Table even if his Camouflage ability is activated when sitting down.
- Incendio's "Misdirection" ability correctly resets after sitting at a Conference Table.
- Incendio's position marker is now accurate when seated at a Conference Table.
- After recruiting Full Metal Jackie, her bonus Schemes no longer display overhead VFX.
Loot Items
- The R.A.Y.G.U.N. Laser correctly fires repeatedly on lengthy Interrogations.
- The "Taught By a Dodo" Trait is correctly applied after minions interact with the Dodo Educator Loot item.
- The "Flying Pig" Trait is correctly applied after minions interact with the Flying Pig Loot item.
- The "Egg Head" Trait is correctly applied after minions interact with the Giant Egg Loot item.
- Indestructible Loot items no longer display the repair overhead icon after minions interact with them.
28th April 2021 - Patch 1.3.0
We've been listening, and we've been busy. With this update we have addressed core areas of feedback from you, the Evil Genius 2 community, ranging from progression issues to game pace, and as a result the length of a campaign can be significantly shorter for those of you who want to play more aggressively.
On the World Map, we've increased the amount of Gold earned from longer running Schemes, and ensured that this is earned over the Scheme's entire duration, allowing you to set a Scheme in motion and reap the rewards while your attention is turned elsewhere. These Schemes still add Heat to the Region, but you'll know how much to expect up front, allowing you more effectively manage the strength of the Agents you're willing to face.
Longer "Heat Reduction" Schemes still remove all Heat from a Region, but once they have done so they can either be cancelled, or allowed to continue running for an increased amount of time, preventing Heat from rising in the area. This keeps the Forces of Justice off your back while the Criminal Network continues to bring in its passive income of Gold. We've also increased the variety of Schemes at Tier 1 Criminal Networks, which will allow you to earn increased rewards for sending specialist minions out into the world earlier in the game, so while you'll still be able to rely on workers to bring in Gold in the early game, it can be beneficial to keep a supply of advanced minions on hand.
Additionally, a brand new Scheme Type has been added in the form of Intel Only schemes, representing activating contacts in your existing Criminal Networks by using Intel generated by Computer Consoles, or sourced from Agent Interrogations. These schemes can be run without sending additional minions from the Lair, allowing you to start a scheme instantly and reap enormous rewards. Be aware that setting some of these Schemes in motion will add a substantial amount of Heat to your Region, so be prepared for strong Agents if you activate one at the wrong time.
In the Lair, the first thing we changed was the speed that vehicles arrive and depart from your Island. This allows minions to get out into the World with greater haste, helping you keep your efforts of World Domination ticking over more readily. We've reduced some key training times for specialist minions to reduce stalls in the training room, and we've also taken a look at the messaging of some items of Lair equipment and added some key information, especially in relation to which items of furniture the Forces of Justice are going to be on the lookout for.
Your more valuable minions - despite being inherently less valuable than your own, nefarious Genius - will still expect to be paid for their time...while they're alive, of course. You'll need to keep a keener eye on your income and outgoings from now on, as the penalties for not doing so will be more readily apparent. We've added additional status effects and minion overheads to help you identify the problem cases in your Lair.
The Forces of Justice have also had some attention, with more dangerous Agent specialists now regularly visiting your Lair if you fail to turn away Investigators before they delve too deeply, and some rebalancing of Super Agents and the squads that accompany them. Be wary - the specialists sent by Investigators will always pose a more dangerous threat.
We've also taken care of a range of bugs too of course, addressing known problem areas with stuck or vanishing Super Agents, troublesome Schemes that decided a Region was too crowded to spawn in, and ensuring more players across the world are able to play out their dreams of dominating it, to name just a few. See the bulleted lists below for a few more details of the balance changes and bug fixes.
As always, thank you for your continued support of Evil Genius 2.
Fixes & Improvements
Balance Notes
- Vehicle speed and responsiveness have been significantly increased, resulting in a faster game pace, and more rapid travel for all characters to and from the Lair.
- Body Bags have been made less punitive, by increasing the duration of the negative status effect, but lowering the Morale drain that results, giving minions more time to reach stat restoring equipment.
- Minions operating furniture will no longer ignore Executions.
- Minion Salaries have been increased in line with the increased income available from the World Map. Evil Genius discounts still apply.
- Specialist minions who are not paid will suffer increased penalties to their Morale, and the messaging of these penalties has been improved.
- Minions will abandon a wider range of Lair activities to travel to the World Map, speeding up Scouting of Regions, Upgrading Criminal Networks, and running Schemes.
- Muscle minions will respond to combat at a slightly increased range, and their base armour and damage values have been increased.
- Suspicion required to attract a wave of Specialist Agents has been lowered.
- The cost of the Bonus Minion Capacity Research Projects has been lowered.
- Agents will spend less time on individual items in the Cover Operation, and are less likely to revisit them.
- The number of Tourists arriving at the Lair will increase with campaign progress.
- Additional categories have been added to the Minion Manager for Guard Posts, Armoury Staging Posts, and the Laboratory.
- Advanced minions types are now available earlier in each campaign.
- Main and Side Story tasks that require minions to be trained now take into account those already present in the Lair.
Difficulty Modes
- When playing on Easy difficulty, free Worker minions are auto-hired at a rate of 6 every 60 seconds, increased from 2 every 60 seconds.
- When playing on Easy difficulty, Worker minions can be manually recruited at a cost of 1,000 Gold per minion, reduced from 2,000 Gold per minion.
- In Hard mode, Agents have had their combat stats increased to ensure they remain a challenge in the face of tougher Muscle minions.
World Map
- Increased duration on long Gold and Heat schemes, and cost adjustments made to allow for more hands-off World Map play.
- Criminal Networks now generate more Gold as a passive income at each level.
- New Scheme Type Added: Intel Only. These schemes do not require minions and have a very short duration.
- Increased variety of Schemes at Tier 1.
- Super Agents and other Antagonists on the World Stage can be attracted to the Lair directly by selecting the character on the map, and then using the "Lure" option on their side panel.
- After exiting Lockdown, residual Heat in a Region remains at 0%/20%/30% when playing on Easy/Medium/Hard difficulty.
- Broadcast Strength required to upgrade Criminal Networks has been reduced.
- The time required to upgrade Criminal Networks has been reduced.
- Super Agents ignore Heat Reduction Schemes.
Lair Building
- Gold earned from excavating Gold Tiles has been increased.
- Furniture Modes have additional descriptions.
- Muscle minions now prefer Advanced Guard Posts over Armoury jobs.
- Training time has been reduced for Biologists, Quantum Chemists, Counter Agents, Socialites, and Spin Doctors.
- Internal door access times have been modified to favour shorter times for minions and longer times for agents. The Evil Genius and Henchmen can pass through any door unimpeded.
- External doors to the Lair now open automatically for minions on lower security levels, but not for Agents, cutting down on the time it takes minions to travel to the World or collect new items.
- Minions gain improved benefits from the "Well Fed" Trait, gained by eating at specialised Food Counters in the Mess Hall.
- Scheme durations have been reduced to 10 seconds for the overwhelming majority of Objective Schemes.
- Doomsday Device Fuel Scheme costs have been adjusted to cost only ONE thing: Gold, minions or intel, and had their durations reduced to 10 seconds.
- Doomsday Device Fuel Schemes now require only a level 1 Criminal Network at all stages, making gathering fuel much easier throughout each campaign.
- Schemes spawned from Red Ivan's Doomsday Device reward a number of Muscle minions in addition to a significant quantity of Gold.
- Heat generated by Objective Schemes has been lowered so that Schemes can more reliably be run without being cancelled by the Criminal Network entering Lockdown.
- Intel costs have been reduced for Main Objective Schemes, and entirely removed from Side Objective Schemes.
- The Objectives "A Moment's Calm", "A Moment's Respite", "A Moment of Preparation", and "The Final Respite" have had requirements for Loot, Schemes run, and Research completed entirely removed.
Feels No Pain, Good Reflexes / Thick Skin / Owns Armour damage reduction to 10% / 15 / 20% / 25%.
Decent Uppercut / Good Cross Punch / Strong Left Hook / Strong Right Hook / Strong Left Jab / Strong Left Jab bonus melee damage increased 10 / 10 / 15/ 15/ 20 / 20.
Crack Shot / Good Shot bonus damage increased 25 / 10 Ranged damage, and no longer stack with Poor Shot.
Ex-Force of Justice Spotting Power bonus increased against the appropriate Force of Justice
Perceptive Spotting Power increased against all Agents.
Loves Sleep / Loves food bonus stat restore increased to 10 per minute on affected jobs.
Bad Back Vitality drain while carrying body bags and furniture lowered to 5 Vitality per minute.
- Sees Dead People spawn chance lowered slightly. Now restores additional Morale when disposing of bodies.
- Thrifty / Cheap Salary Reduction increased to a 50% / 75% discount.
- Loves 80s Ballads Morale Restore boost on Karaoke Machine doubled.
- Hates Needles Morale drain reduced while operating equipment in the Infirmary.
- Embarrassing Tattoo willingness to train into a minion type who does not have sleeves on their uniform further reduced.
- Crash fixes and stability improvements.
- The game can now be played and saved if your Windows username contains non-Latin characters.
- The setting to "Share Game Information" is reliably saved between games.
- Agents and minions will no longer refuse to die in unusual combat or trap combinations.
- Characters will no longer become stuck in place after triggering Traps in unusual circumstances.
- Geniuses and Henchmen will no longer fail to enter combat with disguised Agents when given a direct command.
- Minion Salaries are correctly removed after desertion.
- Commitments are correctly updated after cancelling or rearranging build orders.
- Agents will brazenly don their Disguises in front of minions if those minions lack the Smarts to remove them.
- Interrogating Force of Justice Agents of any quality will correctly generate Intel.
- Research progress on the HUD is displayed consistently.
- IRIS will no longer erroneously advise that the Vault is empty on starting a new game.
- Minion Manager performance has been improved.
- Minions with Traits which recover their stats can be captured correctly.
- Minions will upgrade their weapon after training to become a more advanced minion type, provided better weapons are available for them to do so.
- Event Logs for characters arriving at the Lair now trigger when the vehicle they are in has arrived.
- The Cruise Ship will wait for significantly less time before departing.
- The cooldown on specific IRIS Event Log messages has been increased.
- Loot Items do not indicate one is available to place in the Build Menu after they are stolen by Rogues.
- Causes of death remain on Body Bags after loading a save.
- Dropped Rogue sacks now have a standardised appearance, regardless of their contents.
- Minions can correctly be assigned priorities in the Minion Manager whilst Training.
- Overhead icons for wall-mounted Traps now appear in the correct location above the trap.
- Luxury Beds have had their passive durability decay removed.
- Brainwashing Saboteurs/Rogues/Soldiers will more reliably add Technicians/Valets/Guards to your workforce. Brainwashing higher level Agents will add higher level minions to your workforce.
- Muscle minions now prefer to use Advanced Guard Posts over the Guard Tables / Staging Posts in the Armoury.
- When playing as Maximilian, multiple Conference Tables can be built.
- The area near the Helicopter Tower on Crown Gold is no longer autotagged.
World Map
- Schemes necessary for progressing Objectives spawn more reliably.
- Super Agents no longer become stuck in the "Investigating" state on the World Map.
- Schemes that provide rewards over time have had their presentation modified to improve messaging.
- Criminal Networks can no longer be destroyed while a Region is in Lockdown.
- Super Agents will travel to the Lair after a Scheme has been run in their Region, even if that Scheme is cancelled.
- Super Agents will respawn more rapidly on the World Map after leaving the Lair without being defeated.
- Running Doomsday Fuel Schemes will correctly progress Objectives which require it, even if the Doomsday Device is fully fuelled.
Side Stories
- In the Side Story, "Cunning as a Foxworth", killing any Steele Agent will correctly progress the task to "Kill J. Steeles in the Lair".
- Full Metal Jackie is now easier to recruit.
- The Side Story, "The Other Most Dangerous Game", can no longer be started if one or more Super Agents have been permanently defeated.
- Minions will correctly move away from stat restore equipment during Objectives which impact their maximum stats.
- The Rayguns stolen from Area 51 list the correct minions that can use them.
Sandbox Mode
- All Tech Tree nodes are correctly accessible in Sandbox Mode.
- Research which costs more than 40,000 Gold can now be unlocked in Sandbox Mode.
- Photo Mode stability has been improved in Sandbox Mode.
13th April 2021 - Patch 1.2.0
With this update we've improved overall game stability, improved detection of audio devices, addressed a number of issues which could cause progression to become blocked, and made it simpler to see which of your Criminal Networks have no Schemes running.
We're continuing to listen to your feedback about balance and the desire for a swifter game pace, and are hard at work on further updates to these areas. Thanks to everyone who has got in touch, and thank you for your continued support of Evil Genius 2.
-The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
New Content
- Trading cards have been added to the game! Get collecting minions.
- Crash fixes and stability improvements.
- Audio device detection has been improved, and manual audio device selection has been added to the Launcher Options.
- Radio Tower VFX has been disabled where a Scheme is running in the Region.
- Narrative Characters can be successfully brainwashed if Objectives require them to be, even if the Lair is already at maximum minion capacity.
- Trap effects no longer remain on minions or Agents indefinitely in unusual circumstances.
- Stairs place on Gold tiles will be constructed correctly.
- On the Crown Gold island Lair, the bridge from the Helipad is no longer autotagged for Distraction.
- Improved gamepad support.
- Various text and localisation improvements.
- Tamara Krast can no longer be executed before the Task requires her to be in Max's campaign Objective, "Gold Fingers, And Toes, And...Well, Everything".
- Narrative characters can no longer escape the Lair under unusual circumstances during Emma's Campaign Objective, "The Sound of Science".
- Scientists consistently die after being Interrogated during Emma's campaign Objective, "The Sound of Science".
Side Stories
- Addressed issues where several Side Stories could be started without having the advanced minion types they required.
- Loot items cannot be stolen by Rogues before their Side Stories are complete.
- Side Story "Hail to the Chef" can now be completed correctly even if fewer than three Forces of Justice have at least one scouted Region.
- Fugu Furakawa's Heat Reduction and Gold Schemes will no longer spawn multiple times simultaneously within a single Region.
- Crime Lords will correctly become full Henchmen when their final Side Story Objective is completed, even if the reward has not yet been collected.
- Arms Dealer Bodyguards have had their strength reduced during the "Up In Arms" Side Story.
- Julius Bird can no longer be killed after Interrogation in "The Man With The Silver Gun" Side Story.
- Completion rewards have been added to the "Poisin' Ivy" Side Story.
Super Agents
- John and Jane Steele can no longer be brainwashed.
- Agent Steele will no longer arrive at the island dressed in scuba gear. Instead, one of a variety of John or Jane Steeles may arrive.
- Carl Cafard can now be killed after being recruited as a Henchman when playing on Hard difficulty.
7th April 2021 - Hotfix 1.1.3
It has been just over a week since Evil Genius 2 was released into the world, and what a week it has been! With this hotfix we've addressed several issues which could cause progress to become blocked, and have made Deception-focused playstyles more viable by significantly reducing Force of Justice Agents' chance of fighting back, which should result in fewer brutal murders of your humble Valets... provided you keep an eye on your Heat!
Thank you all for your passionate feedback, and we'll continue listening as we address areas where balance and pace can be adjusted to reduce waiting times and further improve your World Domination experience in the weeks ahead.
-The Evil Genius 2 Development Team
Fixes & Improvements
- Agents of "Average" quality and below will no longer fight back when being distracted and escorted out of the Lair. The chance for higher quality Agents to fight back has been reduced.
- The Spotting Power bonus for minions on duty at Guard Posts has been improved.
- Killing characters as soon as they disembark from the Cruise Ship will no longer prevent other characters from disembarking.
Side Stories
- Crime Lords dying outside of combat will no longer block progression.
- Gas clouds of all types, including those seen in the Sword in the Stone Side story, will correctly disperse on completion of the Side Story.
1st April 2021 - Hotfix 1.1.2
Fixes & Improvements
- The Side Story "Meteor Not, Here I Come" can no longer be unlocked before completing the Tutorial, to prevent progression blocking
30th March 2021 - Hotfix 1.1.1
Fixes & Improvements
- Crash fixes and stability improvements
- Dropped Lair Builder attachments no longer block navigation
- Achievements for recruiting new minion types now unlock correctly